The Prescott Journal – May 2014
Power, wisdom and courage. Those are the three meanings of the trio of triangles that make up the Triforce in The Legend of Zelda video game series.
For whatever reason, that sacred, golden relic is what popped into my head when I received my black, triangular plate of food at the newly opened Kitchen Table restaurant on Broad Street in downtown Prescott.
Now, video games and lunch don’t usually go together, but hear me out.
The courage comes from owner Aaron Wolf taking the jump to own his own building, moving what was formerly known as Cafe Two14 from a location where it had a beautiful vantage point of the river to Prescott’s main street, and a busy entryway to the Great River Road.
It takes a certain kind of person to open a restaurant in this kind of economic climate, and to also buy a building and set up shop to create what they believe in – which happens to be an eclectic mix of food with a signature style, or what Wolf calls “New American” food.
Now, that food plays into the wisdom part of the Triforce. Wolf would not be able to make a dish with beer cheese, brats, Granny apple slices, and a pretzel without having the knowledge and knowhow about what flavors he’s working with to make it all satiate taste buds.
His understanding of how food works, but also the fact that he’s not afraid to think of something crazy and run with it to fantastic results speaks volumes about the Chef. The old adage is that htere is a fine line between genius and madness, and Wolf has the creative output of the latter but with the touch of the former.
In terms of power, we’ll go with the design of the Kitchen Table. Gone is the nautical theme from his former building, and in is a space that is parts woodland and farm – a perfectly enjoyable place to be jovial with friends and family.
The Custom bar, frames and tables seem to scream, “Yes, this is Wisconsin, and we love it here.”
That’s not to say out-of-towners won’t like it, and if former Cafe’ Two14 reviews are anything to go by, the new place should pull in Minnesota travelers looking to get out of the bustling city or boring suburbs for some great, creative food.
While I do miss the former setting of one of Prescott’s best eateries – and one of the best places I’ve eaten at, period – the switch in location is one I can deal with if we’re going to be able to look at what must have been cow-milking buckets used for lighting fixtures above the bar.
I’ve already written many celebratory words about Cafe’ Two14, and all of the same applies to The Kitchen Table. OK, maybe enough of me. Here’s a yelp review: “…the food has not changed in quality and is still my favorite restaurant anywhere in this world. My favorite is the Friday Baked Fish and if I don’t have fish there, it just isn’t right. Go there for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will not be disappointed.”
I absolutely concur, and so too does my mother and step dad who happened to be along for the lunch that day. I don’t think anthing else would have hit the spot after two hours of soccer quite like my burger, affectionately named “The Two14.”
I used to tell people I didn’t like horseradish, but now I have a second burger with an absolutely delicious list of toppings including the radish that was the bane of my childhood – pickles, onions, bacon, tomato jam, smoked gouda, and cheddar cheese.
I guess I can’t say I dislike horseradish anymore, and I know the next time family visits we’ll be heading to Prescott, foregoing all the big city options for something tastier, less busy, and altogether charming.
With the number of fantastic places to eat in town it’s hard to try them all, but if you’re looking for a twist on a tried and true food, be it burger or eggs, this is where you want to go 10 times out of 10.
From the Editors Desk
by Louis Garcia
Prescott Journal
May 1, 2014